Here is the relevant code:
string s;
int width, height, max;
// read header
ifstream infile( "file.ppm" ); // open input file
infile >> s; // store "P6"
infile >> width >> height >> max; // store width and height of image
infile.get(); // ignore garbage before bytes start
// read RGBs
int size = width*height*3;
char * temp = new char[size]; // create the array for the byte values to go into, size); // fill the array
// print for debugging
int i = 0;
while (i < size) {
cout << "i is " << i << "; value is " << temp[i] << endl;
Then, the output that I get says that the values in the array are either blank, or "?". I guess this means the bytes were not converted into chars properly?
i is 0; value is
i is 1; value is
i is 2; value is
i is 3; value is ?
i is 4; value is ?
It looks like you want it to print a BYTE value, not a character. Try this:
cout << "i is " << i << "; value is " << (int)(temp[i]) << endl;
By casting the char to an int, cout will print the value, not the ASCII code.