Before adding anything else, I would like to mention that I have looked at other answers here. Unfortunately the answers didn't apply to my situation, and the best one just provided a smattering of code without actually answering anything.
I have XML files with contents such as this:
<TransactionLine status="normal">
<POSCodeFormat format="upcA"></POSCodeFormat>
<POSCodeModifier name="pc">1</POSCodeModifier>
<Description>EP PK WINS EACH</Description>
<EntryMethod method="scan"></EntryMethod>
<SalesRestrictFlag value="no" type="other"></SalesRestrictFlag>
<TransactionLine status="normal">
<POSCodeFormat format="upcA"></POSCodeFormat>
<POSCodeModifier name="pc">1</POSCodeModifier>
<Description>MCRFBER TOW EACH</Description>
<EntryMethod method="scan"></EntryMethod>
<SalesRestrictFlag value="no" type="other"></SalesRestrictFlag>
A given file will have multiple "Transaction Lines". The differentiating factor between them would be the POS Code. My main problem is, how do I drill down to the point where I can actually use that differentiating value to start tossing information into the necessary objects? Simply removing them as I go isn't an option. I can't control the XML output, so I can't make it more usable. I'm using XStrem as the XML parser. Solutions that are in Java are preferable, but Scala is also okay.
Taking for grant your xml contains a root node, you could use an xpath expression to identify the pertinent node, something like:
using XStream should be something like
String idimlookingfor = "074804007527";
XPathFactory factory = XPathFactory.newInstance();
XPath xpath = factory.newXPath();
String xpathexpression = String.format("//TransactionLine/ItemLine/ItemCode[POSCode=%s]/../..", idimlookingfor);
XPathExpression expr = xpath.compile(xpathexpression);
Object result = expr.evaluate(document, XPathConstants.NODESET);
NodeList nodes = (NodeList) result;