In the past many applications have stored Temporary files in the Temp/Tmp directory; either the System's or the user specific ones. Recently though we've had many users in Enterprises where usage of the Temp directories are blocked due to Virus Scanning tools or Host Intrusion Prevention Tools and policies not allowing usage of those locations. I think the fear here is that multiple applications can read and write from that location and so a rogue application could negatively affect another application or its temporarily stored data. This seems like a correct and more secure way to function, so I cannot ask that people begin allowing an increased risk.
My question then is How/Where to (physically) securely store User Specific, Application Specific, yet temporary files.
Should each application be expected to manage this themselves, or is there some new Application & User Sandboxed Temporary data store feature I am not aware of?
Specifically I am focused on using .NET 4.0+, C#, and Windows 7+, but the question should be applicable to other languages used on Windows as well.
Similar, but older and not specific enough threads
The 1 answer of Encrypting the contents and file name does not seem like a Best Practice solution, and will still be blocked by the Host Intrusion Prevention System.
The ApplicationData
directory is indeed the right place according to MS guidelines to store app specific files, including temp files. However this doesn't necessarily solve your security problem. Whether or not it solves it depends on what the problem is.
Windows uses ACLs to grant/restrict permissions to file system directories. ACLs are specific to a user, a group, or a set of users/groups. There are not specific to applications. Suppose a particular user, Art, runs an app, Papp
, and Papp
stores its data in C:\Users\Art\AppData\Roaming\Papp
. If Art runs Qapp
then Qapp
(unless run as a different user) has access to Papp's
Note that by default the environment variables TMP
and TEMP
are under AppData
, so in security terms the ApplicationData
special folder is no better or worse. (It is better than C:\temp
and c:\tmp
If user Betty runs Qapp
then by default Qapp
won't have access to Art's Papp
files if they are under his AppData
. So if the security problem is to prevent other users running Qapp
from accessing Art's Papp
files then any directory under AppData
will work.
But if the problem is with Art running Qapp
(which could be malware and could be something Art didn't intentionally run), then some solutions are:
1) Use a white list program that only allows authorized programs to run, 2) Use a black list program (ie traditional anti-virus) that attempts to stop malicious programs like Qapp
3) hybrid approach where trusted programs runs as Art
and untrusted programs runs as another, less privileged user or run in a sandbox.