In my ServiceStack app I'm trying to restict all the users except the ones whos IP is present in a white list, the only way I found to do that was to use PreRequestFilters in my Configure method:
PreRequestFilters.Add((req, res) =>
if (!ipWhiteList.Contains(req.RemoteIp))
res.ContentType = req.ResponseContentType;
res.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized;
res.Dto = DtoUtils.CreateErrorResponse("401", "Unauthorized", null);
Is this achievable by custom Authentication filters (if that is possible at all)? Maybe there are some out of the box features that allow to do that or simply best practices to follow?
You can also use a Request Filter Attribute for this, e.g:
public class ValidateIpAttribute : RequestFilterAttribute
public IpValidator IpValidator { get; set; }
public void RequestFilter(IRequest req, IResponse res, object requestDto)
if (IpValidator.Allow(req.RemoteIp))
res.ContentType = req.ResponseContentType;
res.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized;
res.Dto = DtoUtils.CreateErrorResponse("401", "Unauthorized", null);
Which you can then use on your Services, e.g:
public class ProtectedServices : Service