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Tips for parsing an iCal file

I'm trying to parse an iCal input file according to RFC 5545. Specifically: -Property name -Optional parameters, each starting with semicolon ";" and possibly having multiple comma-separated values (parameter values may be double-quoted in which case they could contain colons, semicolons, and commas) -Colon ":" -Property value

Example line:

> ORGANIZER;CN=Obi-WanKenobi;SENTBY="mailto:[email protected]":mailto:[email protected]

in this case the line would be read into a buffer and parsed (using strtok currently) like this: Organizer is the property name; CN=Obi-WanKenobi and SENTBY="mailto:[email protected]" are parameters; mailto:[email protected] is the property value.

I have no idea where to start. The different input cases are almost infinite and I haven't been able to figure out an effective algorithm to cover all of said cases. Is strtok the way to go? or is there another C library that has a more intelligent parser? Need someone to put me on the right track.


  • I'd suggest that you start with looking at existing C implementation:

    Above answers are addressing your immediate question but you might hit other issues as you progress through the RFC5545 standard and looking at what others have done may be helpful