I've been trying to set up PayPal Webhooks (in Sandbox mode) to receive notifications about declined and successful payments. My problem is that I can't get validation working. Some details about my attempts:
I tried listening for Webhook calls two ways:
Tried creating a Web API endpoint to receive and validate the request, didn't work either. Code here:
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> PaymentCaptureCompleted()
// Get the received request's headers
NameValueCollection nvc = new NameValueCollection();
foreach (var item in Request.Headers)
nvc.Add(item.Key, string.Join(",", item.Value));
// Get the received request's body
var requestBody = await Request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
var isValid = WebhookEvent.ValidateReceivedEvent(Api, nvc, requestBody, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["paypal.webhook.id"]);
if (isValid)
return Ok();
return BadRequest("Could not validate request");
There are a lot more details to this of course, but I'm not sure how much information is required to answer my question. Just let me know what you need and I'll edit this question.
Please refer PayPal Dot Net SDK for code samples. https://github.com/paypal/PayPal-NET-SDK
Also if your simulator is not working, to rule out if there is something wrong with the configuration of webhook or the azure, you may want to use Runscope. Ypu can configure a Runscope bucket as a webhook endpoint and If you are getting a webhook notification there, you may need to make changes in the Azure config.