I'm working on a linux machine and different from windows there are two clipboards, the STRG-C and STRG-V clipboard and the highlight text and paste by middle mouse button clipboard.
Now i try to catch the paste action, because i want to validate the clipboard and prevent the textfield from illegal input.
I successfully catched the standard paste by STRG-V with:
Action action = textField.getActionMap().get("paste-from-clipboard");
textField.getActionMap().put("paste-from-clipboard", new ProxyAction(action, "paste-from-clipboard"));
and the implementation of ProxyAction class:
public class ProxyAction extends TextAction
private Action action;
public ProxyAction1(Action action, String actionName)
this.action = action;
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
My question is, how can i catch the linux specific middle mouse button paste? The code above doesn't get it and the action "paste" from jTextfield doesn't solve the problem either.
i want to validate the clipboard and prevent the textfield from illegal input.
Instead of trying to catch the paste keys, you can use a DocumentFilter
. The DocumentFilter
is invoked before any text is inserted into a Document
This filter is invoked whether text is typed into the text field or pasted into the text field.
Check out the section from the Swing tutorial on How to Implement a DocumentFilter for more information.