Please bear with me as this is not easy to explain. I have a field in a MySQL database that was put there from a form with a textarea input. It seems to me that line breaks are coded as "/n"
When I retrieve the data I can display it on the screen correctly by using the following php lines
$main_article1 = str_replace("\n", "<br />", $row[main_article]);
echo $mainarticle1;
However, now comes the tricky bit. I then want to insert that text into a scroller that uses Javascript.
The code in that script is:
var pausecontent=new Array()
pausecontent[0]='<?php echo $main_article1;?>'
I just get a blank screen.
If I remove the line breaks from the text in the database all works well - the main_article text appears in the scroller as it should - it only stops working when the line breaks are there.
Does anyone know how I can get the line breaks in the database field to go through the PHP script and appear in the scroller text in the Javascript?
I have also tried:
$main_article1 = str_replace("/n>", "%0D%0A", $row[main_article]);
but that does not work either
I hope I have made sense of what I am trying to do.
Many thanks in advance.
Here is an update
$main_article = 'This is a test<br />This is a test'
the code generated by php within the JS should be:
pausecontent[0]='This is a test<br />This is a test'
(all greyed out) but what I am getting is:
pausecontent[0]='This is a test
This is a test'
and the line break in the JS code is causing it to fail because the text is no longer greyed out after the line break
Got it at last, after too many days headache!
I was looking at the wrong replacement theories
The answer is to use the following line:
$main_article1 = preg_replace("/\r\n|\r|\n/",'<br/>',$row[main_article]);
Now it works perfectly.
Thanks to all for your help.