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How can I parallelize the inner loops with openMP?

Perhaps the solution to my problem is very obvious. I want to accelerate the following code using openMP (into Intel Xeon Phi), but I can't.

int c=0, d=0, e=0, i;
#pragma opm parallel for private(c, d, e)
for(i=0; i < columns; i++)
  if((left_side[rule*columns + i] > 0) || (right_side[rule*columns + i] > 0))
    for(c=0; c < rows; c++)
      if(left_side[i + c * columns] > 0)
        if(flag[c] == 0)
          r_prob[c] = c_vect[c];
          flag[c] = 1;
          for(d=0; d < columns; d++)
            switch(left_side[c * columns + d])
              case 0:
              case 1:
                r_prob[c] *= M_in[d] * 1.0;
              case 2:
                r_prob[c] *= (M_in[d] * (M_in[d] - 1)) * .5;
                for(e=1; e <= left_side[c * columns + d]; e++)
                  r_prob[c] *= M_in[d] * 1.0 / (e * 1.0);
//where r_prob, M_in, left_side, right_side, c_vect and flag are array that are in input.

This code doesn't run correctly, the values in r_prob are wrong. How I can parallelize this code?


  • your code has an error because the first FOR creating multiple threads, and these simultaneously written to the array r_prob, flag. The solution could be:

    int c=0, d=0, e=0, i;
    #pragma opm parallel for private(c, d, e)
     for(i=0; i < columns; i++)
     if((left_side[rule*columns + i] > 0) || (right_side[rule*columns + i] > 0))
      for(c=0; c < rows; c++)
      if(left_side[i + c * columns] > 0)
        if(flag[c] == 0)
           #pragma omp critical //Only one thread at a time can enter 
          r_prob[c] = c_vect[c];
          flag[c] = 1;
          for(d=0; d < columns; d++)
            switch(left_side[c * columns + d])
              case 0:
              case 1:
                 #pragma omp critical //Only one thread at a time can enter 
                r_prob[c] *= M_in[d] * 1.0;
              case 2:
                 #pragma omp critical //Only one thread at a time can enter 
                r_prob[c] *= (M_in[d] * (M_in[d] - 1)) * .5;
                for(e=1; e <= left_side[c * columns + d]; e++)
                   #pragma omp critical //Only one thread at a time can enter 
                  r_prob[c] *= M_in[d] * 1.0 / (e * 1.0);
    }//where r_prob, M_in, left_side, right_side, c_vect and flag are array that are in input.