so i have a function which checks if a checksum is changed and if so it calls the callback which is provided by a parameter.
var watchFileChange = function watchFileChange(oldChecksum, callback){
// some code about checking checksum
if(oldChecksum != newChecksum){
exports.watchFileChange = watchFileChange;
my Jasmin specs looks like this.
var t = require('../server.js');
describe("watchFileChange", function() {
spyOn(t.watchFileChange, 'Callback');
var file_false = {
'foo.txt': 'd41dcccc8f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'
var file_true = {
'foo.txt': 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'
function Callback() {
console.log("Callback Called")
it("Checksum is not right, it should call Callback function", function() {
watchFileChange(file_false, Callback);
But it just doesn't work that way because Callback is not defined i get that. So my question is there a way to check if the by parameter provided callback is called?
You can create a fake object where you can define you callback function, and then pass it as the argument
var init = {
callback: function() {
console.log("Callback Called")
describe("watchFileChange", function() {
beforeEach(function() {
spyOn(init, 'callback');
it("Checksum is not right, it should call Callback function", function() {
watchFileChange(file_false, init.callback);