I have a method, GetSearchExpression
, defined as:
private Expression<Func<T, bool>> GetSearchExpression(
string targetField, ExpressionType comparison, object value, IEnumerable<EnumerableResultQualifier> qualifiers = null);
At a high level, the method takes in a Field or Property (such as Order.Customer.Name
), a comparison type (like Expression.Equals
), and a value (like "Billy"), then returns a lambda expression suitable for input to a Where
statement o => o.Customer.Name == "Billy"}
Recently, I discovered an issue. Sometimes, the field I need is actually the field of an item in a collection (like Order.StatusLogs.First().CreatedDate
I feel like that should be easy. The code that creates the left side of the expression (above, o => o.Customer.Name
) is as follows:
var param = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "t");
Expression left = null;
//turn "Order.Customer.Name" into List<string> { "Customer", "Name" }
var deQualifiedFieldName = DeQualifyFieldName(targetField, typeof(T));
//loop through each part and grab the specified field or property
foreach (var part in deQualifiedFieldName)
left = Expression.PropertyOrField(left == null ? param : left, part);
It seems like I should be able to revise this to check if the field/property exists, and if not, try to call a method by that name instead. It would look like this:
var param = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "t");
Expression left = null;
var deQualifiedFieldName = DeQualifyFieldName(targetField, typeof(T));
var currentType = typeof(T);
foreach (var part in deQualifiedFieldName)
//this gets the Type of the current "level" we're at in the hierarchy passed via TargetField
currentType = SingleLevelFieldType(currentType, part);
if (currentType != null) //if the field/property was found
left = Expression.PropertyOrField(left == null ? param : left, part);
{ //if the field or property WASN'T found, it might be a method
var method = currentType.GetMethod(part, Type.EmptyTypes); //doesn't accept parameters
left = Expression.Call(left, method);
currentType = method.ReturnType;
The problem is that statement near the end (var method currentType.GetMethod(part, Type.EmptyTypes);
). Turns out "First" and "Last" don't exist for IEnumerable
objects, so I get a null exception when I try to use my Method object. In fact, the only way I can EVER them to show up in a GetMethod()
call is by calling typeof(Enumerable).GetMethod()
. That's useless of course, because then I get a static method in return rather than the instance method I need.
As a side-note: I tried using the static method, but Entity Framework throws a fit and won't accept it as part of the lambda.
I need help getting the instance MethodInfo
of IEnumerable.First()
& Last()
. Please help!
Thank you to Marc and Ivan for their input. They deserve credit as without their help I would have spent much longer finding a solution. However, as neither answer solved the issue I was having, I'm posting the solution that worked for me (successfully applying criteria as well as successfully querying against an EF data source):
private Expression<Func<T, bool>> GetSearchExpression(string targetField, ExpressionType comparison, object value, string enumMethod)
return (Expression<Func<T, bool>>)MakePredicate(DeQualifyFieldName(targetField, typeof(T)), comparison, value, enumMethod);
private LambdaExpression MakePredicate(string[] memberNames, ExpressionType comparison, object value, string enumMethod = "Any")
//create parameter for inner lambda expression
var parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "t");
Expression left = parameter;
//Get the value against which the property/field will be compared
var right = Expression.Constant(value);
var currentType = typeof(T);
for (int x = 0; x < memberNames.Count(); x++)
string memberName = memberNames[x];
if (FieldExists(currentType, memberName))
//assign the current type member type
currentType = SingleLevelFieldType(currentType, memberName);
left = Expression.PropertyOrField(left == null ? parameter : left, memberName);
//mini-loop for non collection objects
if (!currentType.IsGenericType || (!(currentType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IEnumerable<>) ||
currentType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(ICollection<>))))
///Begin loop for collection objects -- this section can only run once
//get enum method
if (enumMethod.Length < 2) throw new Exception("Invalid enum method target.");
bool negateEnumMethod = enumMethod[0] == '!';
string methodName = negateEnumMethod ? enumMethod.Substring(1) : enumMethod;
//get the interface sub-type
var itemType = currentType.GetInterfaces()
.Single(t => t.IsGenericType && t.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IEnumerable<>))
//generate lambda for single item
var itemPredicate = MakeSimplePredicate(itemType, memberNames[++x], comparison, value);
//get method call
var staticMethod = typeof(Enumerable).GetMember(methodName).OfType<MethodInfo>()
.Where(m => m.GetParameters().Length == 2)
//generate method call, then break loop for return
left = Expression.Call(null, staticMethod, left, itemPredicate);
right = Expression.Constant(!negateEnumMethod);
comparison = ExpressionType.Equal;
//build the final expression
var binaryExpression = Expression.MakeBinary(comparison, left, right);
return Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(binaryExpression, parameter);
static LambdaExpression MakeSimplePredicate(Type inputType, string memberName, ExpressionType comparison, object value)
var parameter = Expression.Parameter(inputType, "t");
Expression left = Expression.PropertyOrField(parameter, memberName);
return Expression.Lambda(Expression.MakeBinary(comparison, left, Expression.Constant(value)), parameter);
private static Type SingleLevelFieldType(Type baseType, string fieldName)
Type currentType = baseType;
MemberInfo match = (MemberInfo)currentType.GetField(fieldName) ?? currentType.GetProperty(fieldName);
if (match == null) return null;
return GetFieldOrPropertyType(match);
public static Type GetFieldOrPropertyType(MemberInfo field)
return field.MemberType == MemberTypes.Property ? ((PropertyInfo)field).PropertyType : ((FieldInfo)field).FieldType;
/// <summary>
/// Remove qualifying names from a target field. For example, if targetField is "Order.Customer.Name" and
/// targetType is Order, the de-qualified expression will be "Customer.Name" split into constituent parts
/// </summary>
/// <param name="targetField"></param>
/// <param name="targetType"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static string[] DeQualifyFieldName(string targetField, Type targetType)
return DeQualifyFieldName(targetField.Split('.'), targetType);
public static string[] DeQualifyFieldName(string[] targetFields, Type targetType)
var r = targetFields.ToList();
foreach (var p in targetType.Name.Split('.'))
if (r.First() == p) r.RemoveAt(0);
return r.ToArray();
I included related methods in case someone actually needs to sort through this at some point. :)
Thanks again!