I can successfully filter mails using these filters
"SENTBEFORE 02-Feb-2016",
ImapX.Enums.MessageFetchMode.Tiny, 1
// To get 1 mail sent before the date
"FROM 'atlantatechvillage'",
ImapX.Enums.MessageFetchMode.Tiny, 1
// To get 1 latest mail from a specific sender
"UID 2345 FROM 'atlantatechvillage'",
ImapX.Enums.MessageFetchMode.Tiny, 1
// Having UID 2345 and From the specific sender
So if I use only UID 2345 I can get mail with UID 2345 without any problem.
With the above filter query, the code checks for a mail with UID 2345 and whether it matches with the FROM address condition. If not exists returns null
What I really want is a query than can search for UID Greater than Or Less than a specific one which matches the specific From address Query.
I have searched all over the internet, iMapX documentation and all but no luck.
Here's how you could modify your last version to do what you want to do:
// search for messages with a UID <= 2345:
"UID 1:2345 FROM 'atlantatechvillage'",
ImapX.Enums.MessageFetchMode.Tiny, -1
// search for messages with a UID >= 2345:
"UID 2345:* FROM 'atlantatechvillage'",
ImapX.Enums.MessageFetchMode.Tiny, -1
Hope that helps.