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min and max axis value not respected in HighCharts chart with a logarithmic axis

I have the a stacked column chart with a logarithmic scaled y axis (JSFiddle here, adapted from a basic demo chart)

$(function () {
        chart: {
            type: 'column'
        yAxis: {
            min: 0.3, // I WANT THE Y-AXIS TO START AT 0.3
            min: 25, // I WANT THE Y-AXIS TO END AT 25
        plotOptions: {
            column: {
                stacking: 'normal',
        series: [{
            data: [5, 3, 4, 7, 2]
        }, {
            data: [2, 2, 3, 2, 1]
        }, {
            data: [3, 4, 4, 2, 5]

I worked on all the options suggested on this Stackoverflow page to set the exact minimum and maximum y-axis values but without success. What can I do to force the y-axis chart to start and end at the values I want?


  • As in the question you found, use Sebastian's answer, with tickPositioner. In fact, extremes are proper when setting startOnTick and endOnTick to false, just labels are not rendered. In that case use tickPositioner, for example:

      tickPositioner: function(min, max) {
        var ticks = this.tickPositions;
        ticks = $(ticks).filter(function(i, tick) {
          return tick > min && tick < max;
        ticks.slice(0, 0, min);
        return ticks;

    And live demo: