I have a HTTPS enabled site, I use a javascript/html5 audio plugin to stream mp3 here. Chrome and other browsers are blocking streaming url as insecure contents. User needs to ALLOW BLOCKED CONTENT manually.
My Site : https://www.domain.com
Streaming URL :
Javascript code snippet :
<script type="text/javascript">
var stream = { mp3: "" },
ready = false; $("#jquery_jplayer_1").jPlayer({
ready: function () {ready = true; $(this).jPlayer("setMedia", stream).jPlayer("play"); },
pause: function() {$(this).jPlayer("clearMedia");}, error: function(event) {
if(ready && event.jPlayer.error.type === $.jPlayer.error.URL_NOT_SET) {
$(this).jPlayer("setMedia", stream).jPlayer("play"); }},
solution: "flash, html", swfPath: "/player/flash/player.swf", supplied: "mp3" });});
Is there anyway to solve it without having a secure streaming url? I really can't manage a secure steaming url now.
As @deceze mentioned, once you commit to HTTPS; there is no way browsers will allow you to display mixed content. If you are willing to buy a domain or create a subdomain (cheap, I guess), Then
So, all the info being passed through, will be from cloudflare HTTPS servers, you wont get those mixed content warnings.
I am assuming, that the IP is publicly accessible.
Hope that helps!