What is the possible reason of constant OOM errors?
On our developement environment we have 3 nodes, VM on master node is initialized with: Xms=3GB, Xmx=3GB. Also there are about 30 proxies and 30 endpoints defined. Developers loading their changes (car files) constantly during the day without restarting carbon. Few times a day it freezes. Maybe constant configartion changes kill carbon? On preproduction environment carbon works flawlessly :/
I did heap dump and the 'leak suspect report' result is:
One instance of "org.apache.axis2.context.ConfigurationContext" loaded by "axis2" occupies 661 590 744 (79,50%) bytes. The memory is accumulated in one instance of "java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap$Segment[]" loaded by "".
According to the Heap Dump most of the retained heap is occupied by the ConfigurationContext instances. So this OOM issue seems to occur due to the heavy configuration load in your development system. May be due to large capps deployed frequently by lot of developers. Since that incident does not happen in your production, that ESB never goes OOM.
Thanks & Regards, Ravindra.