I'm using salt + jinja2 to template a context.xml file. I have the following pillar:
db_server: some_server
name: some_name
user: some_user
passwd: some_passwd
name: this_name
user: this_user
passwd: this_passwd
I need to create a string with a list of the names for each customer. Right now I have this:
{%- set nameList = pillar['context']['resources']|list()|join(', ') %}
This gives me this list: 'some_customer, this_customer'
. I'd like this list: 'some_name, this_name'
How can I do this?
The following one-liner worked for me:
{%- set nameList = pillar['context']['resources'].values()
|map(attribute='name')|join(', ') %}