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PHPStorm 10 randomly ignores AltGr +8/9 to open brackets

I have a weird situation with the new version of PHPStorm 10.0.2. I have a german keyboard and to open square brackets [] i need to type a combination of AltGr + 8 or 9 keys.

All works ok until, at some point in time, randomly, this combinations are ignored and they are being interpreted as Alt+Strg (Alt+Ctrl on englisch keyboard) + 8 or 9 which jumps from curly brackets up and down.

  • This issue happens in Windows. Will update this question when I get to a linux machine, in case i can reproduce it.

  • german keyboard layout is the default one on the machine so no other languages.

Anyone has this issue and how can this be solved?

UPDATE 1: If i press Alt + AltGr and 8 or 9 it works correctly...

UPDATE 2: I tried in Linux ctrl+alt does not have the same effect like on windows. So it is a windows only issue


  • This was driving me insane!!!

    However, it was not random (though I initially thought it was).

    Steps to reproduce (German keyboard):

    1. Open IDE
    2. Open first project (AltGr + 8 or 9 will work as expected)
    3. Open second project in a new window (AltGr + 8 or 9 will now start to switch projects and no longer work until only one window remains)

    Steps to fix:

    1. Open <SYSTEM DRIVE>\Users\<USER ACCOUNT NAME>\.<PRODUCT><VERSION>\config\options\keyboard.xml (e.g. C:\Users\John\.WebIde100\config\options\keyboard.xml)
    2. Set "USE_NON_ENGLISH_KEYBOARD" to false