Suppose we have a package foos
containing classes, which all of them implements some IFoo
We also have a class, Baz
which contains a data-member, List<IFoo> fooList
Is it possible to inject dynamically all those IFoo
classes into fooList
By the way, is it a common practice? (I'm new with the DI concept)
Use the javax.enterprise.inject.Instance
interface to dynamically obtain all instances of Foo
import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;
import javax.enterprise.inject.Instance;
import javax.inject.Inject;
public class Baz {
Instance<Foo> foos;
void init() {
for (Foo foo : foos) {
// ...
This totally makes sense, e.g. if you want to merge the results of multiple service provider implementations. You find a good study example here.
See also: