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Add method extremely slow

Somewhere along the way (updating codefluent or the model growing) adding/editing a method got extremely slow. Opening the CFQL window takes almost three minutes. I have a fairly fast desktop (Intel I7-2600 @3,5 Ghz, 4Gb DDR3 ram, RAID array of 4 SSD's in RAID0).

I use Visual Studio 2015 update 1. The only plugin I have is ReSharper 10.1.

If I make a new sample advertising project it has the same latency so it does not seem to depend on the model.

What could be wrong?


  • The version 838 of CodeFluent Entities seems to solve the issue: TFS7617 - Modeler : CFQL method editor loading performance has been improved. – meziantou Jan 20 at 8:55

    Version 838 DOES solve the issue indeed. Thanks!