Somewhere along the way (updating codefluent or the model growing) adding/editing a method got extremely slow. Opening the CFQL window takes almost three minutes. I have a fairly fast desktop (Intel I7-2600 @3,5 Ghz, 4Gb DDR3 ram, RAID array of 4 SSD's in RAID0).
I use Visual Studio 2015 update 1. The only plugin I have is ReSharper 10.1.
If I make a new sample advertising project it has the same latency so it does not seem to depend on the model.
What could be wrong?
The version 838 of CodeFluent Entities seems to solve the issue: TFS7617 - Modeler : CFQL method editor loading performance has been improved. – meziantou Jan 20 at 8:55
Version 838 DOES solve the issue indeed. Thanks!