I must dynamically allocate a contiguous block of storage to hold a 2D array of an arbitrary data type.
It can only use a single call to malloc
Part of the memory must include the mixed data types of "pointer to data type" and the data type itself.
The arbitrary data type is called Type
Full disclosure: yes, this is for an assignment. I've been beating my head on this for a good 30+ hours trying to figure this out. I cannot use C99+ standards. It must be Pre-C99.
I so far have this:
Type **Create2D(size_t rows, size_t cols) {
Type **ptr = (Type **)SafeMalloc(rows * sizeof(Type*) + rows * cols * sizeof(Type));
// rows*sizeof(Type*) is total memory needed for the elements to store the pointers.
// rows*cols*sizeof(Type) is the memory needed to store the actual array data
// The sum of the above two gives the total amount of contiguous memory needed
int index;
for (index = 0; index < (int)rows; index++)
ptr[index] = &ptr + rows*sizeof(Type *) + index * cols * sizeof(Type);
// in my mind, this assigns the pointers to the address of each column
// to the first address blocks allocated by malloc
the Type
data type is defined by a provided header file using a typedef
as follows:
#define ELEMENTS 9
typedef signed char Type[ELEMENTS];
the SafeMalloc function just contains an error check along with the malloc call
static Type **SafeMalloc(size_t size) {
void *vp;
if ((vp = malloc(size)) == NULL) {
fputs("Out of memory\n", stderr);
My Create2D function is called from main as follows, where rows
and cols
are set to varying values provided by a for loop so that they change each run through the listed code here:
Type **ppobj;
int rows, cols;
ppobj = Create2D((size_t)rows, (size_t)cols);
The array is called and tested in another loop here:
int x = Test2D(ppObj, rows, cols);
Defined as:
int Test2D(Type **ppObj, int dim0, int dim1) {
signed char testValue;
int row, col, ix;
Type item;
testValue = SCHAR_MIN;
for (row = 0; row < dim0; ++row) {
for (col = 0; col < dim1; ++col) {
for (ix = 0; ix < (int)(sizeof(item) / sizeof(item[0])); ++ix) {
ppObj[row][col][ix] = testValue;
// throws an exception in above step while stepping through at col = 1.
if (testValue == SCHAR_MAX)
testValue = SCHAR_MIN;
Finally, I think what I have is close. Given a 1x27 array, it will make it through this, but when my function for freeing the memory is called and then a 2x26 array is called it will error in the above step. It's made it to the 3x25 array and erred above as well. My free function looks like this:
void Free2D(void *ptr) {
it is called using this sytax, from the above main function:
Free2D((void *)ppObj);
I've also run it through and seen the dim1
variable change in the middle of the nested for loops from it's set value from the passed arguments to something just huge like 1830342 or some sort. It makes me believe the free()
function is not being used properly by me.
Your code is almost correct, the formula to compute ptr[index]
is incorrect: you must compute byte offsets from ptr
cast as a byte pointer.
Here is a better version:
Type **Create2D(size_t rows, size_t cols) {
Type **ptr = (Type **)SafeMalloc(rows * sizeof(Type*) + rows * cols * sizeof(Type));
// rows*sizeof(Type*) is total memory needed for the elements to store the pointers.
// rows*cols*sizeof(Type) is the memory needed to store the actual array data
// The sum of the above two gives the total amount of contiguous memory needed
size_t index;
for (index = 0; index < rows; index++) {
ptr[index] = (Type*)((unsigned char*)ptr + rows * sizeof(Type *) + index * cols * sizeof(Type));
// in my mind, this assigns the pointers to the address of each column
// to the first address blocks allocated by malloc
return ptr;
There is still a potential alignment issue: Type
may require a stricter alignment than Type*
. To account for this, you can compute the index size separately and align the data part on a multiple of the size of Type
Type **Create2D(size_t rows, size_t cols) {
size_t index_size = (size_t)((unsigned long long)(rows * sizeof(Type*)) * sizeof(Type) / sizeof(Type));
Type **ptr = (Type **)SafeMalloc(index_size + rows * cols * sizeof(Type));
// index_size is total memory needed for the elements to store the pointers.
// rows*cols*sizeof(Type) is the memory needed to store the actual array data
// The sum of the above two gives the total amount of contiguous memory needed
size_t index;
for (index = 0; index < rows; index++) {
ptr[index] = (Type*)((unsigned char*)ptr + index_size + index * cols * sizeof(Type));
return ptr;