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Why is a CDI Managed Bean in faces-config.xml not registered as an obersver?

I have implemented a CDI Bean which is observing events from another bean:

public class FixedItemController implements Serializable {
     public void onWorkflowEvent(@Observes WorkflowEvent workflowEvent) throws AccessDeniedException {"evaluate event...");

This works fine as long as I am using the bean in a JSF page with its default name 'fixedItemController'.

But if I declare another instance of that bean in the faces-config.xml like this:


the second instance (myOrderItemController) is not registered automatically as an observer for my WorkflowEvent.

What can I do, to ensure that my second instance - declared by the faces-config.xml - will be immediately instantiated and registered as an observer to my workitemEvent?


  • faces-config.xml does not register CDI managed beans. It registers JSF managed beans. Effectively, your #{myOrderItemController} is a JSF managed bean. It's like as if you use @ManagedBean instead of @Named. The JSF bean management facility does not scan for CDI specific @Observes annotation.

    Keep it a CDI managed bean. Whatever you tried to solve for which you thought that registering it in faces-config.xml would be the right solution has to be solved differently using the CDI API instead of the JSF API.