I'm using angular-xeditable api.Could you tell me how to setfocus into a control when form 'loads' and press 'add row' button ?
There is a method named $activate(name)
on the above api.But I don't know how to use it with the above scenarios.Thanks.
// add user
$scope.addUser = function() {
id: $scope.users.length+1,
name: '',
status: null,
group: null,
isNew: true
Here is a fiddle with what I came up with to fix your problem.
I added a setFocus function call in the addUser method
$timeout( function() {
$scope.setFocus('name', $scope.users.length - 1);
}, 50);
$scope.setFocus = function (id, index) {
angular.element( document.querySelectorAll("#" + id))[index].focus();