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python code for inserting "N" in genome

I am having problem in my code I am trying to read a fasta file i.e. "chr1.fa", then I have a mutation file which looks like this

chr1    822979  822980  CLL6.08_1_snv   88.2    +
chr1    1052781 1052782 CLL6.08_2_snv   388.9   +
chr1    1216196 1216197 CLL6.08_3_snv   625 +
chr1    5053847 5053848 CLL6.08_4_snv   722.2   +
chr1    5735093 5735094 CLL6.08_5_snv   138.9   +

this is a tab delimited file with chr1 as first column and + as last. I want to insert a N in the chr1.fa file the using the location from the second column.My code looks like this

     # Filename:
      import sys , os
      import numpy as np
      import re

    #declaring the variables
     lst = ''
     chr_name = ''
     first_cord = ''
     second_cord = ''
     lstFirstCord = []
     sequence = ''
     human_genome = ''
     seqList = ''

    # Method to read the Genome file (file contains data for only one chromosome)
     def ReadgenomeCharacter():
     header = ' '
     seq = ' '
      human_genome = raw_input("Enter UCSC fasta file of human genome:")
      human_seq = open(human_genome, 'rw+')
      line = human_seq.readline()
    print 'File cannot be opened, wrong format you forgot something:', human_genome
 while line:
    line = line.rstrip('\n')   
    if '>' in line:           
        header = line
        seq = seq + line
    line = human_seq.readline()
print header
print "Length of the chromosome is:",len(seq)
print "No. of N in the chromosome are:", seq.count("N")
return seq

  #Method to replace the characters in sequence string
    def ReplaceSequence():
    seqList = list(sequence)        
    for index, item in enumerate(lstFirstCord):
      if seqList[index] != "N":
        seqList[index] = "N"
        newSequence = ''.join(seqList) 
    return newSequence

   #Method to write to genome file
   def WriteToGenomeFile(newSequence):
       with open("chr1.fa", 'rw+') as f:
        old_human_seq =                           
        print "Data modified in the genome file"
        print "Length of the new chromosome is:",len(newSequence)
        print "No. of N in the new chromosome are:", newSequence.count("N")
    print 'File cannot be opened, wrong format you forgot something:', human_genome

   sequence = ReadgenomeCharacter()

   print "Here is my mutaiton file data"

   data = np.genfromtxt("CLL608.txt",delimiter ="\t", dtype=None,skip_header=0)        #Reading the mutation file CLL608.txt

    #Storing the mutation file data in a dictionary
     subarray = ({'Chr1' : data[data[:,0] == 'chr1'],'Chr2': data[data[:,0] == 'chr2'],'Chr3': data[data[:,0] == 'chr3'],
    'Chr4': data[data[:,0] == 'chr4'], 'Chr5': data[data[:,0] == 'chr5'],'Chr6': data[data[:,0] == 'chr6'],
    'Chr7': data[data[:,0] == 'chr7'], 'Chr8': data[data[:,0] == 'chr8'],'Chr9': data[data[:,0] == 'chr9'],
    'Chr10': data[data[:,0] == 'chr10'] , 'Chr11': data[data[:,0] == 'chr11'],'Chr12': data[data[:,0] == 'chr12'],
    'Chr13': data[data[:,0] == 'chr13'], 'Chr14': data[data[:,0] == 'chr14'],'Chr15': data[data[:,0] == 'chr15'],
    'Chr16': data[data[:,0] == 'chr16'],'Chr17': data[data[:,0] == 'chr17'],'Chr18': data[data[:,0] == 'chr18'],
    'Chr19': data[data[:,0] == 'chr19'], 'Chr20': data[data[:,0] == 'chr20'],'Chr21': data[data[:,0] == 'chr21'],
     'Chr22': data[data[:,0] == 'chr22'], 'ChrX': data[data[:,0] == 'chrX']})

    #For each element in the dictionary, fetch the first cord and pass this value to the method to replace the character on first chord with N in the genome file
    for the_key, the_value in subarray.iteritems():
    cnt = len(the_value)
    for lst in the_value:
    chr_name = lst[0]
    first_cord = int(lst[1])
    second_cord = int(lst[2])

   #Call the method to replace the sequence
   newSeq = ReplaceSequence()
   print "length :", len(newSeq)
   #Call the method to write new data to genome file

I am getting output like this

Enter UCSC fasta file of human genome:chr1.fa
Length of the chromosome is: 249250622
No. of N in the chromosome are: 23970000
Here is my mutaiton file data
length : 249250622
File cannot be opened, wrong format you forgot something: 

we can download the chr1.fa by typing the following command directly

rsync -avzP 
rsync:// .

Somehow I am not able to insert the N in the sequence and also not able to wirte the new sequence. I will be glad if any valuable suggestion for improving the code :)


  • To make your life a bit easier, you may want to consider using Biopython to read in your fasta and do your converting.

    Here's some documentation to get you started

    Here is some starter code.

    from Bio import SeqIO
    handle = open("example.fasta", "rU")
    output_handle = open("output.fasta", "w")
    for record in SeqIO.parse(handle, "fasta"):
         print record.seq