I have 2 components. How can I call fetchProjectList()
method in createProject()
First component:
Vue.component('projects', {
template: '#projects-template',
data: function () {
return {
list: []
ready: function () {
methods: {
fetchProjectList: function () {
resource.get().then(function (projects) {
this.list = projects.data;
Second component
Vue.component('createProjects', {
template: '#create-projects-template',
methods: {
createProject: function () {
resource.save({}, {name: this.name}).then(function () {
}.bind(this), function (response) {
// error callback
You don't, or rather you shouldn't. components should not depend on other components in such a direct way.
You should either extract this method into a mixin, or keep it in it's own object which you import into each component.
Read up on the store pattern: http://vuejs.org/guide/application.html#State_Management