I'm developing a chat web client (XMPP based) using Strophe.js. On server side I have an Openfire server.
I'm looking for a complete (and working) example of file transfer (xep-0096) using Strophe.js.
I know there is a plugin, named si-filetransfer, which should help in implementing this feature but documentation is missing. So it is not easy to understand how it works.
Here on StackOverflow I found only some incomplete post relating the matter, as for example: Save received files from xmpp Strophe si-filetransfer
Also on the web I didn't find any complete solution to my needs.
If there is another solution to achieve the above goal (file transfer in a JS client using XMPP protocol) it 's welcome!
Here below is a very simple chat demo written using jQuery and StropheJS with file transfer features. Implementation of file transfer is based on these two Strophe.js plugins:
https://github.com/strophe/strophejs-plugins/tree/master/si-filetransfer: it allows to send and receive stream initiations
https://github.com/strophe/strophejs-plugins/tree/master/ibb. it provides a transport mechanism (In-Band Bytestream)
In addition, in order to allow the transfer of files greater than 65535 bytes it is also used a chunking algorithm.
Here is the Plunker: http://plnkr.co/edit/fYpXo1mFRWPxrLlgr123
P.S.: you have to deploy your own XMPP server and adapt the following code lines according to your configuration:
var server = 'mydomain.com';
var BOSH_SERVICE = '';