I'm trying to setup Kibana, I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I have manage to setup index properly and it recognized all 36 fields.
I have 100 rows in the elastic search, but it seems to be not working.
Can someone guide me of what I'm doing wrong?
Basically I have geo_point on two fields and I want to show data on the map.
At the top right, you can see that the time interval is "Last 15 minutes". The reason might simply be that you might not have data in the last 15 minutes.
If you click on that button you can change the considered time interval, maybe pick "Last 7 days" or another time frame that you know will contain data, and you will start to see data.
Then you can create a Tile Map visualization on either/both your pickup or dropoff geo point field and you'll be able to see some data on the map.