I am actually trying to integrate Plaid api for ACH payments and following "https://plaid.com/docs/link/" tutorial in Ruby. In this I have written the js code and it shows me pop up to select bank accounts.
I am using it in sandbox mode in which I am using test credentials to verify the account and it successfully verifies the account. For server side scripting I have installed plaid
gem and configured it using following code into my_app/config/initializers/plaid.rb
Plaid.config do |p|
p.customer_id = 'test_id'
p.secret = 'test_secret'
p.environment_location = 'https://tartan.plaid.com'
where I have replaced the customer_id and secret key with my own. I am using a user controller in which under create method I am trying to create a user like this:
user = Plaid.add_user('auth', 'plaid_test', 'plaid_good', 'usaa', '1234')
Now I am confused how would it work. I am trying to create a server side handler using ruby but I dont understand where I am lacking (as I am new to Ruby). I actually want that after successfully validating credentials there should be an option to select account like in the given demo https://demo.plaid.com/stripe
I really need help as I am badly stuck in this from last three days. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
Plaid Link returns a 'public_token' - you'll need to use the /exchange_token API endpoint to exchange the public token for an API access token.
The plaid-ruby library has a detailed example of the exchange token flow!