Say i have a class representing the subscribers for a library. I then want to create multiple other derived classes representing different types of subscribers such as students, professors etc..
How do i write the derived class constructor ? In my base class Subscriber I have the constructor which takes parameters such as name,age,id number etc.. However in my derived classes I have extra parameters such as "schoolName" for example. How do I setup the constructor for the derived class Student knowing that i want to call the base class constructor of Subscriber and also add a value to an extra parameter that being schoolName.
Also my second question. Would it be preferable to make the shared parameters such as age,name etc (that both the base class and the derived class share) protected as apposed to private ? That way a student can access his name,age easily
Subscriber(const char *name, int age);
Derived class constructor:
Student(const char *name, int age, const char *sName)
:Subscriber(name, age) // We call the base class constructor
// Do something with sName.