and dword ptr [edi], not (1 shl 2)
Would you mind pointing to literature that describes this dialect and/or provide equal syntax in other dialects? An explanation of the line would be helpful as well for my own edification.
FWIW, I am trying to port instructions in this dialect to coreboot which I believe uses, I guess, a GNU dialect. When I attempt to assemble with this instruction unchanged I get the following error from i386-elf-gcc:
./src/drivers/intel/fsp/ Assembler messages:
./src/drivers/intel/fsp/ Error: junk `PTR [edi]' after expression
./src/drivers/intel/fsp/ Error: too many memory references for `and'
The Microsoft Macro Assembler (ml.exe) [also known as MASM or MASM32] understands this construct.
Its equal to:
and dword ptr [edi], 0fffffffbh
1 shl 2
is equal to 4 (you move 1 two positions to the left: 100
in base 2 or 4
in base 10)
Thus we have not 4
(you invert all bits in 100 in base 2)
which gives 11111111111111111111111111111011
in base 2 (we are on 32-bit)
this is equal to 0fffffffbh
(0x0fffffffb ; 4294967291
in decimal)