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Wait on a text to be appear in SitePrism Capybara Framework

I tried to wait on a text before perform any action by follows SitePrism URL in this section>> "Methods Supporting Capybara Options".

@page.wait_until_<Element>_visible :text => "Some Text!!!"

But i am getting below error:

undefined method `zero?' for {:text=>"Some Text!!!"}:Hash (NoMethodError)

Why i am getting this error? Am i doing something wrong?


  • Looking at the site_prism code - the generated method takes a timeout, and the options. It seems like you need to pass the timeout value if you want to pass other options

    wait_until_<Element>_visible <timeout value in seconds>, text: "Some Text!!!" 

    Seems like an error in the documentation, or some old defaulting behavior was removed or something