Search code examples

Bind paired data in object to another element outside ng-repeat - angular

I have this array of objects that I need to work with:

$scope.pdfs = [
  { "pdf_title": "Corporate Hire", "attached_file": "http://file1.jpg"},
  { "pdf_title": "Wedding Hire", "attached_file": "http://file2.jpg"},
  { "pdf_title": "Filming Hire", "attached_file": "http://file3.jpg"}

The pdf_file value is ng-repeated in li's.

What I want to do is if that li is clicked, to push its paired to another div, say the src for an href.

Here are my workings, but not quite correct:

Controller function:

$scope.bindWithFile = function(value) {
            var currentValue = $scope.corpResult = value;

        // pdfs support
        var pdfs = $scope.pdfs;

        for (var i = pdfs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            if (currentValue == hasOwnProperty(key[pdfs])) {
                value[pdfs] = $scope.corpLinkHref;


<div class="w-12" ng-controller="corpHireController">
    <div class="c-6-set">
            <li ng-repeat="pdf in pdfs" class="col-7 link link-inherit" ng-click="bindWithFile(pdf.pdf_title)">{{::pdf.pdf_title}}</li>
    <div class="c-6-set">
        <div class="w-12">
            <i class="fs-4 col-7 icon icon-pdf"></i>
        <span class="col-7 h4" ng-bind="corpResult"></span>
        <button ng-href="{{::corpLinkHref}}" class="button green2-button smaller-letters full-width">Download</button>

What is needed: Clicking on the titles on the left, binds the pdf_title under the pdf icon and binds the attached_file to the button's href

Clicking on the titles on the left, binds the pdf_title under the pdf icon and binds the attached_file to the button's href


  • Instead of passing the title of the selected pdf, why not passing the whole object. This way you don't have to performance any find or search function.


    <div class="w-12" ng-controller="corpHireController">
      <div class="c-6-set">
          <li ng-repeat="pdf in pdfs" class="col-7 link link-inherit" 
      <div class="c-6-set">
        <div class="w-12">
          <i class="fs-4 col-7 icon icon-pdf"></i>
        <span class="col-7 h4" ng-bind="corpResult"></span>
        <button ng-href="{{::corpLinkHref}}" 
                class="button green2-button smaller-letters full-width">


    $scope.bindWithFile = function(selectedPdf) {
      $scope.corpResult = selectedPdf.pdf_title;
      $scope.corpLinkHref = selectedPdf.attached_file;