I'm using createjs to make html5 game bu there is a problem in this part of code:
function createGameObj(){
var text = new createjs.Text("Some Text","16px Arial","white");
var container = new createjs.Container();
return container;
I have a function like above. When I call this and get an object that returned from it, I cant use its properties.
function prepareGameStage(){
var obj = createGameObj(); //It should be typeof createjs.Container when we do typecasting which we get used to see at oop
obj.x = canvas.width/2; //this doesnt make any errors but also doesnt work. So I cant access "x" property of "createjs.Container" type object.
stage.addChild(obj); //error occurs here because of undefined type of obj.
I tried to cast obj like this:
obj = Object.create(createjs.Container,createGameObj());
But it didn' work.
Do you guys have any solutions for that?
Ok, I solved it. Just like Bergi said I made a mistake on another statement.My createGameObj was like :
function createGameObj(){
var text = new createjs.Text("Some Text","16px Arial","white");
var container = new createjs.Container();
//do some here
return container;
and it returned the container object to createGameObj function.And Because of createGameObj function haven't return statement it returned 'undefined' as default. I realised it late :).Deleted nested function and solved.