Hello everyone i have what should be a simple problem. Basically I need a timer that counts both the seconds and milliseconds. I already have constructed a timer which counts down in seconds but ran into some trouble when it came to adding the millisecond function. When I tried to add a second timer and simply place it beside my first one, it interfered with my first timer. I haven't been doing Java script for long so I have no clue what to do next.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<body id="body">
<div id="timer" style="font-family:helvetica; font-size:100px; text-align:center;">24 secs</div>
var count = 24,
counter = setInterval(timer, 1000),
running = true;
function timer() {
count -= 1;
if (count <= 0) {
document.getElementById("timer").innerHTML = count + " secs";
window.addEventListener("keydown", function(e) {
switch (e.keyCode) {
case 32: // PLAY
running ? clearInterval(counter) : counter = setInterval(timer, 1000);
running = !running;
case 82: // RESET
document.getElementById("timer").innerHTML = 24 + " secs";
count = 24;
running = false;
The question is slightly less trivial than it appears on first glance.
You can't truly display every millisecond because the browser can't handle it.
If support for old browsers (say ~pre 2012) isn't an issue I would use something like this:
var count = 24000,
running = true,
secondsNode = document.getElementById("seconds"),
millisecondsNode = document.getElementById("milliseconds"),
function draw() {
if (count > 0 && running) {
mNew = new Date().getTime();
count = count - mNew + mOld;
count = count >= 0 ? count : 0;
mOld = mNew;
secondsNode.innerHTML = Math.floor(count / 1000);
millisecondsNode.innerHTML = count % 1000;
mOld = new Date().getTime();
window.addEventListener("keydown", function(e) {
switch (e.keyCode) {
case 32: // PLAY
if (running) {
running = false;
} else {
running = true;
mOld = new Date().getTime();
case 82: // RESET
count = 24000;
secondsNode.innerHTML = 24;
millisecondsNode.innerHTML = 0;
running = false;
p {
font-family: helvetica;
font-size: 100px;
text-align: center;
<body id="body">
<p><span id="seconds">24</span> secs and <span id="milliseconds">000</span> milliseconds</p>
The core here is the method requestAnimationFrame(...);
. Simply put it is a native JS
method that executes the function
supplied as a parameter
once the browser is ready to "draw" a new frame.
Since we don't know how much time has passed since the last execution we need use the current datetime
in relation to the datetime
of our methods last execution.
On a sidenote:
Regularly needed nodes
should be saved to a variable
instead of being "calculated" each time they are needed. (secondsNode = document.getElementById(...)
saves resources because the document only hase to be traversed