I would want to establish the range for the X-Axis to a year instead the quantity of points of the lines, I have the code:
obj = {"TO EXPORT":{"color":"#d9534f","list":
seriesData = [];
var minTime = new Date(2015-08).getTime();
var maxTime = new Date(2016-02).getTime();;
for (var prop in obj) {
seriesData.push({label: prop, color:obj[prop].color, data:$.map(obj[prop].list, function(i,j){
return [[new Date(i[0],i[1]-1).getTime(), i[2]]];
// plot it!
$.plot('#flot-line-chart', seriesData, {
xaxis: { mode: 'time', timeformat: '%Y-%m'}
If I plot it this way it would show just 2 points and that's good, but I would like to see the x Axis to expand at least 6 points like six months before.
I tried adding the min and max tags to the xaxis properties but it does not work right, like this:
xaxis: { mode: 'time', timeformat: '%Y-%m', min: minTime , max:maxTime}
new Date(2015-08)
ist the same as new Date(2007)
and returns a time of about 2 seconds after epoch. You have to give the parameter as string like new Date('2015-08')
for it to work correctly with that date format.