In the following method I'm trying to make an Expression using the List<string>().Contains()
The problem is that the value I need to check if exists in the list is not of type string and therefore I need to convert it.
private static Expression<Func<Books, bool>> GenerateListContainsExpression(string propertyName, List<string> values)
var parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Books), "b");
var property = Expression.Property(parameter, propertyName);
var method = typeof(List<string>).GetMethod("Contains");
var comparison = Expression.Call(Expression.Constant(values), method, Expression.Constant(Expression.Convert(property, typeof(string))));
return Expression.Lambda<Func<Books, bool>>(comparison, parameter);
This gives me an error saying:
"No coercion operator is defined between types 'System.Nullable`1[System.Int32]' and 'System.String'."
It is not guarantied that the value is of the type int?
Is there any way to do this?
You can invoke ToString
on the property value first. Here is an example of how you can do that:
private static Expression<Func<Books, bool>> GenerateListContainsExpression(
string propertyName,
List<string> values)
var parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Books), "b");
var property = Expression.Property(parameter, propertyName);
var contains_method = typeof(List<string>).GetMethod("Contains");
var to_string_method = typeof(object).GetMethod("ToString");
var contains_call = Expression.Call(
Expression.Call(property, to_string_method));
return Expression.Lambda<Func<Books, bool>>(contains_call, parameter);