I need to do a join query from 3 table Professor , teacher and students. Each professor has a list of teachers and each teacher has a list of student. I am working on a web service which will give me only the professor id and base on that I need to get all the students for this particular professor. So I will need to get list of teachers first ,then from that I can get all students. Anyone can help on this? I don't want to use cascade select. I want to use JOIN FETCH because I'm using jpa.
Table Professor: Professor id , Prof name , Prof address
Table Teacher : Teacher id , Professor id, Teacher name
Table student : Student id, Teacher id, Student name, Student address
Here is the JPA query for your requirement. Note that StudentModel should be mapped to student table. StudentModel should has a property 'teacher' which is 'TeacherModel' type. TeacherModel should have the 'professor' property whose type is 'ProferssorModel' then only this works.
<query name="findStudentsByProfessorID">
<query-param name="professorId" type="Long" />
SELECT student
FROM StudentModel student
inner join fetch student.teacher teacher
inner join fetch teacher.professor professor
WHERE professor.id = :professorId
or using sql named query also we can do it.
<sql-query name="findStudentsByProfessorID">
<query-param name="professorid" type="long" />
select * from student s join teacher t
on s.teacherid = t.teacherid where t.professorid = :professorid;