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Getting timeout issue for ice candidate collection

During the call with WebRTC app in CEF3, I am getting below Errors. I have done a lot analysis but could not figure it out reason/solution of this issue.. Please suggest what is the problem & what is the solution.

1448447657717 - WebRtcAdaptorImpl - ICE candidate received: sdpMLineIndex = 1, candidate = candidate:1972606970 2 tcp 1518214910 0 typ host tcptype active generation 0 for call : undefined
1448447658619 - WebRtcAdaptorImpl - Re-setting ice candidate collection timeout: 1000
1448447659623 - WebRtcAdaptorImpl - Re-setting ice candidate collection timeout: 1000
1448447660625 - WebRtcAdaptorImpl - Re-setting ice candidate collection timeout: 1000
1448447661628 - WebRtcAdaptorImpl - Re-setting ice candidate collection timeout: 1000
1448447662630 - WebRtcAdaptorImpl - Re-setting ice candidate collection timeout: 1000
1448447663632 - WebRtcAdaptorImpl - Re-setting ice candidate collection timeout: 1000
1448447664635 - WebRtcAdaptorImpl - Re-setting ice candidate collection timeout: 1000
1448447665636 - WebRtcAdaptorImpl - Re-setting ice candidate collection timeout: 1000
1448447666638 - WebRtcAdaptorImpl - Ice candidate collection interrupted after given timeout, invoking successCallback.
1448447666639 - WebRtcAdaptorImpl - previous mute state of call: false


  • This is a chromium bug. upgrade to chromimum 47, this problem doesn't exist.

    Please follow the below link that has simpler problem.!msg/discuss-webrtc/7AZlGM8EQUI/XW9c_YyzmeYJ

    One developer has raised the below issue that got resolved on Aug 2015. Raised issue: