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Hide North Panel if Nothing to Show with JQuery UI Layout

I have a simple layout with north and center:

<html xmlns="">
        <div id="north-main-div">
        <div id="center-main-div">

And JavaScript which makes a hideable Northpanel.

topMainLayout = $('body').layout({
    name : 'bodyLayout',
    north__paneSelector : '#north-main-div',
    center__paneSelector : '#center-main-div',
    north__resizable : false

I would like to achieve that the whole north area is invisible including the toggler if nothing (no content) is within the north-main-id. Currently the toggler will show even if nothing is to show there.

I would appreciate any hint for solving the issue.



  • Not sure if this is the proper way, but it worked for me.

    I juste check with if it is empty and call the hide function.

    topMainLayout = $('body').layout({
        name : 'bodyLayout',
        north__paneSelector : '#north-main-div',
        center__paneSelector : '#center-main-div',
        north__resizabele : false
    if (!$.trim( $('#north-main-div').html() ).length) {