Currently working on a project where I have to build time picker with start, end time and interval of meeting. User first pick start time for example 7:15am, then next step is to pick meeting interval that range from 5 min up to 60 min, and last step is end time that should start based on picked start time and meeting interval. So if user pick 7:30am for start time, and pick meeting interval 50 min, my end time should start at 8:20am, 9:10am, 10:00am,... all the way up to 5pm but not greater than. First problem with my current is Start Time picker, in drop down next to 12 hour value I should have PM. My code gives me AM. Second is End Time works fine if I pick meeting interval from 5 min up to 45 min, but if I pick meeting length 50 min or 55 min I'm not getting correct end time values in drop down.
<th>Start Time:</th>
<select name="stime" id="stime" />
<option value="">--Select start time--</option>
<br />
<th>Meeting Length:</th>
<select name="meet_leng" id="meet_leng" onClick="setEndTime()">
<option value="">--Select length--</option>
<br />
<th>End Time:</th>
<select name="etime" id="etime"/>
<option value="">--Select end time--</option>
$(function() {
for(var i=5; i <= 60; i+=5){
$('#meet_leng').append('<option value="'+i+'">'+i+' min'+'</option>');
for(var i=700; i<= 1700; i+=15){
var mins = i % 100;
var hours = parseInt(i/100);
if (mins > 45) {
mins = 0;
hours += 1;
i = hours * 100;
var standardTime = ' AM';
if(hours > 12){
standardTime = ' PM';
hours %= 13;
hours %= 13;
$('#stime').append('<option value="'+i+'">'+('0' + (hours)).slice(-2)+':'+('0' +mins).slice(-2)+standardTime+'</option>');
function setEndTime(){
var meetingLength = $('#meet_leng').val();
var selectedTime = $('#stime').val();
var sum = meetingLength + selectedTime;
for(var i=sum; i <= 1700; i+=meetingLength){
var mins = i % 100;
var hours = parseInt(i/100);
if (mins > 59) {
var new_mins = mins % 60;
hours += 1;
i = (hours * 100) + new_mins;
$('#etime').append('<option value="'+i+'">'+i+'</option>');
Here is my working example: If anyone can help with this problem please let me know.
basically you could look at using the Date api instead. In the bottom example, we have a startTime which can be a string,
var time = new Date();
var startTime = "12:01 PM";
var timeChange = 60; //60 minutes
var startHour = startTime.split(':')[0];
var startMin = startTime.split(':')[1].replace(/AM|PM/gi, '');
//adjusted time
time.setMinutes(time.getMinutes() + timeChange);
function getFormattedTime(time) {
var postfix = "AM";
var hour = time.getHours();
var min = time.getMinutes();
//format hours
if (hour > 12) {
hour = (hour - 12 === 0) ? 12 : hour - 12;
postfix = hour === 0 ? "AM" : "PM";
//format minutes
min = (''+min).length > 1 ? min : '0' + min;
return hour + ':' + min + ' ' + postfix;