Is it possible to run executable .exe application on Chrome browser or what option do I have?
I have seen example of JavaScript and it is desgined to work on IE because it use WScript.Shell
(Not tested)
var ws = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");"C:\\System\\Display\\Display.exe \"" + message1 + "\" \"" + message2 + "\"");
So basically javascript it will execute Display.exe <Message>
Display.exe connect to COM3 (serial port) to display price on the Customer Display Pole (Till system)
Short: No it's not possible.
It's not even possible to call local files directly from chrome. It's really locked down in google chrome. If you manage to crack it you could strike it rich
In short, the best way to access local stuff is to set up a local webserver, call it, let the webserver execute a local file/protocol and then return the output to you via xhr or websockets.
Another option might be Java signed with secure certificates to allow some leeway, but even there the security measures are really tight.
Or you could make a chrome plugin and try Native Message Passing
Or, another option is that you fork chromium and build in your own activeX support into it. ChromiumX has a nice ring to it heh.
But all in all, it's really hard to get stuff done via chrome in what you want.
personally I resolved it by using PHP COM on a windows server to which I communicated via ajax requests to do the stuff I needed done, but it's less than ideal.