I'm trying to write code for a spirograph using Python's turtle, but I keep getting a weird error.
Here's my code so far:
import turtle
from math import *
def formulaX(R, r, p, t):
x = (R-r)*cos(t) - (r+p)*cos((R-r)/r*t)
def formulaY(R, r, p, t):
y = (R-r)*sin(t) - (r+p)*sin((R-r)/r*t)
def t_iterating(R, r, p):
t = 0
while t < 20*pi:
t = t+0.01
turtle.goto(formulaX(R, r, p, t), formulaY(R, r, p, t))
def main():
R = int(input("The radius of the fixed circle: "))
r = int(input("The radius of the moving circle: "))
p = int(input("The offset of the pen point, between <10 - 100>: "))
if p < 10 or p > 100:
input("Incorrect value for p!")
t_iterating(R, r, p)
input("Hit enter to close...")
For some reason I keep getting the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/liammitchell/Desktop/Comp Sci/Spirograph/spirograph.py", line 34, in <module>
File "/Users/liammitchell/Desktop/Comp Sci/Spirograph/spirograph.py", line 30, in main
t_iterating(R, r, p)
File "/Users/liammitchell/Desktop/Comp Sci/Spirograph/spirograph.py", line 18, in t_iterating
turtle.goto(formulaX(R, r, p, t), formulaY(R, r, p, t))
File "<string>", line 1, in goto
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.4/lib/python3.4/turtle.py", line 1774, in goto
TypeError: type object argument after * must be a sequence, not NoneType
How can I solve this error?
The functions formulaX
and formulaY
both implicitly return None
. You have to return
some value from them in order to use it in other functions such as t_iterating
So you want something in the lines of:
def formulaX(R, r, p, t):
return (R-r)*cos(t) - (r+p)*cos((R-r)/r*t)