I have the following function. The intent is that when you hover over an item with the class .toolTip
, it'll log the data-tooltip
from the element you're hovering over after 3 seconds. However, if your cursor leaves the item, it should cancel the setTimeout and not show the message.
The "Timeout set" and "Timeout cleared" messages fire as expected, but the named function fires anyway. What am I doing wrong?
$(document).on("hover",".toolTip", function() {
var toolTip = $(this);
var toolTipMessage
var hoveringNow = toolTip.attr("data-hovering-now");
if(typeof hoveringNow !== typeof undefined && hoveringNow !== false) {
console.log('Timeout cleared');
else {
toolTip.attr('data-hovering-now', true);
toolTipMessage = setTimeout(showToolTip, 3000, toolTip.attr("data-tooltip"));
console.log('Timeout set');
function showToolTip(message) {
Your variable toolTipMessage
only lives within the execution context of the function which is executed on hover, by the next time you hover that element, the variable no longer exists (or, more exactly you have a different variable of the same name).
For the variable to persist between executions, you need that variable defined in an enclosing execution context - such as outside the hover
var toolTipMessage = null;
$(document).on("hover",".toolTip", function() {