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Neo4j OGM 2.0 query path

I am trying to perform a query which returns a path, however, although the same query executed in neo4j Web UI returns a correct result, the neo4j-ogm returns null. I have installed neo4j-ogm-api,core:2.0.0-M01 from Maven.

My java code looks as follows:

public class Root
    public Long id;

    @Relationship(type = "Branch", direction = Relationship.OOUTGOING)
    public List<Branch> branches = new ArrayList<>();

    public Branch addLeaf(Leaf leaf, float length)
        Branch b = new Branch(this, leaf);
        b.length = length;
        leaf.branch = b;
        return b;           

public class Leaf
    public Long id;

    public String color;

    @Relationship(type = "Branch", direction = Relationship.INCOMING)
    public Branch branch;

public class Branch
    public Long id;

    public Branch(Root root, Leaf leaf)
        this.root = root;
        this.leaf = leaf;

    public float length;

    public Root root;

    public Leaf leaf;

Then, for testing let's do

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        SessionFactory sessionFactory = new SessionFactory("");
        Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();

        Root r = new Root()
        r.addLeaf(new Leaf(), 1);
        r.addLeaf(new Leaf(), 2);;

        //Until this point everything is alright and
        // all 3 nodes and 2 relationships are created

        String query = "MATCH path = (l1:Leaf)-[*1..100]-(l2:Leaf) WITH path LIMIT 1 RETURN path";
        QueryResultModel qrm = session.query(query, new HashMap<String, Object>());
        // qrm.result.get(0).get("path")  is null

Please, explain to me what am I doing wrong?


  • Returning a full path is not supported. Instead, you need to return the nodes and relationships that you want mapped back to domain entities, such as:

    MATCH path = (l1:Leaf)-[*1..100]-(l2:Leaf) WITH path,l1 LIMIT 1 RETURN l1,nodes(path),rels(path)

    This will give you an org.neo4j.ogm.session.Result object. If you retrieve l1 from the underlying Map, you should have a fully hydrated Leaf entity.

    BTW not sure what QueryResultModel is- a QueryResult is only supported in SDN.