I have a problem with my code, namely: If in input #search_code
I introduce letter 'm' and in #insert_code
input I introduce letter "M", function returns "is not ok". I tried to make uppercase inputs with CSS text-transform: uppercase;
but it does not work. What can we do to make input fields case insensitive?
var search_code = document.getElementById('search_code');
var insert_code = document.getElementById('insert_code');
var result = document.getElementById('result');
var button = document.getElementById('button');
var audio = new Audio('sound.wav');
// respond to button click
button.onclick = function validate(e) {
// show verification result:
if (search_code.value == insert_code.value) {
result.textContent = 'code ok';
result.className = "ok";
} else {
result.textContent = 'code is not ok';
result.className = "not-ok";
// clear input when wrong:
if (search_code.value !== insert_code.value) {
insert_code.value = '';
return false;
function clearField(input) {
input.value = "";
$('#search_code').bind("cut copy paste",function(e) {
<input type="text" name="search_code" onfocus="clearField(this, this.placeholder='');" onblur="this.placeholder='introdu codul'" id="search_code" placeholder="introdu codul" autocomplete="off" value=""/><br/>
<input type="" name="insert_code" onfocus="clearField(this, this.placeholder='');" onblur="this.placeholder='scaneaza codul'" id="insert_code" placeholder="scaneaza codul" autocomplete="off" value=""/><br/><br/>
<input type="submit" id="button" name="button" value="verifica COD" />
<div id="result"></div>
<script src="js/action_input.js"></script>
Convert those values to be compared to lowercase so that case sensitivity is no longer an issue.
var search_code = document.getElementById('search_code');
var insert_code = document.getElementById('insert_code');
var result = document.getElementById('result');
var button = document.getElementById('button');
var audio = new Audio('sound.wav');
// respond to button click
button.onclick = function validate(e) {
// show verification result:
if (search_code.value.toLowerCase() == insert_code.value.toLowerCase()) {
result.textContent = 'code ok';
result.className = "ok";
} else {
result.textContent = 'code is not ok';
result.className = "not-ok";
// clear input when wrong:
if (search_code.value.toLowerCase() !== insert_code.value.toLowerCase()) {
insert_code.value = '';
return false;
function clearField(input) {
input.value = "";
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#search_code').bind("cut copy paste", function(e) {
<input type="text" name="search_code" onfocus="clearField(this, this.placeholder='');" onblur="this.placeholder='introdu codul'" id="search_code" placeholder="introdu codul" autocomplete="off" value="" /><br/>
<input type="" name="insert_code" onfocus="clearField(this, this.placeholder='');" onblur="this.placeholder='scaneaza codul'" id="insert_code" placeholder="scaneaza codul" autocomplete="off" value="" /><br/><br/>
<input type="submit" id="button" name="button" value="verifica COD" />
<div id="result"></div>