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Can I override a method in a JSPM package?

I'm migrating a project to use JSPM & SystemJS. In my app, I override a Backbone Marionette render method to use Mustache templates:

Marionette.Renderer.render = function (template, data) {
     return Mustache.render(template, { Model: data }, partials);

This was simple in the old world - just have the above code after marionette js and mustache js have been added to the page. I can't see how to override this when I'm loading it as a module though.

import * as Marionette from "backbone.marionette";


  • If your problem is just the loading order you can, for instance, create a new (i.e. custom) marionette module that depends both on backbone.marionette and mustache and extends marionette. Something like

    import Marionette from 'backbone.marionette';
    import Mustache from 'moustache';
    Marionette.Renderer.render = function (template, data) {
     return Mustache.render(template, { Model: data }, partials);
    export default Marionette;

    After that, you'll need map your custom module on SystemJS config:

       'map': {
          'custom-marionette': 'path/to/source/custom-marionette',

    Then you'll be able to import your custom module inside your application:

    import Marionette from 'custom-marionette';