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Add Facebook friends to Website [Graph API 2.5]

I'm developing a website where users can add their facebook friends. Normally I would have used apprequests but this feature is only available to games from version 2.3 onwards.Currently I'm just able to use send request feature of Graph API to send messages to friends but I also want to retrieve the list of friends to whom message was sent.

Javascript SDK code..

       function importfb(){

        FB.login(function(response) {
            // handle the response
            console.log("Response goes here!");

            // check whether user is logged in or not and ask for credentials if not.
            FB.api('/me?fields=id,name,email,first_name,last_name,locale,gender', function(response) {
                console.log('Successful login for: ' +" "" ";
                loginpassword =;
                loginemail =;

            // retrieve the list of friends to whom message was sent
            FB.api("/me/friends?fields=id,name,email", function (response) {
                if (response && !response.error) {
                    /* handle the result */
                    console.log("Response goes here!");
                    console.log('Successful info for: ' +" "" ";

            // send message to facebook friends using send request dialog
                method: 'send',
                link: '',

        }, {scope: 'email,public_profile,user_friends'});


Using the above code I'm able to send messages to facebook friends but not able to retrieve the list of friends to whom message was sent. Please Help..


I'm trying to separately print the entire friend list in the console using the 2nd FB.api function but as now this is all I'm able to print..

   Response goes here!
   Successful info for: undefined undefined undefined

Any idea how to print the data array inside the response?? Because even[0] is not printing anything.


  • As you can read in the docs, there is no response data from using the Send Dialog:

    There is no way to get the information which friends did get the message.

    Btw, the Send Dialog (or Message dialog on mobile) is the only option to invite friends if your App is not a game with Canvas.

    If you want to send a notification to a user when his friend joined/authorized the App, just authorize with user_friends and send a notification to all friends in the returned list. After all, you only get those friends who authorized your App already. You don´t need to store invited friends for that.