I have hibernate code , which inserts Bigdecimal number into Db column of type FLOAT. It works generally. However when I try to insert a value 0.00000000009080767 and fetch the object again, I see the returned value is different.
However when I try to insert the value using SQL query directly and then fetch using hibernate load method, I see that the SOP of getAmount method prints the value correctly.
Contact contact1 = new Contact("sailesh1117777", "unknown@gmail.com", "Vietnam1", "0904277091",new BigDecimal("0.00000000009080767"));
session = sessionFactory.openSession();
Contact contact5 = (Contact) session.load(Contact.class, new Integer(1));
<class name="Contact" table="CONTACT">
<id name="id" column="CONTACT_ID">
<generator class="increment"/>
<property name="name" type="string" column="NAME"/>
<property name="email"/>
<property name="address"/>
<property name="telephone"/>
<property name="amount" type="big_decimal"/>
OUTPUT: 0.00000000008978076
When hibernate save an object into the database , it calls it toString method to get the value and save it. When I inspected the BigDecimal object deeply I came to know that the toString method returns exponential value and hence the value goes into the DB with a different value. For this I wrote a custom class, extending BigDecimal and override the toString method , which internally will make call to toPlanString method of BigDecimal and helps to overcome , the exponential value getting inserted will be a diferent value.