I have this script:
var glob = require('glob');
glob('*.jpg', { cwd: 'public/portfolio/weddings/', sort: true }, function (err, files) {
var globResults = files;
globResults.forEach(function(entry) {
var results = '\'' + entry + '\'';
not work, causing the script to fail. Actual output without it:
Expected output:
Later on I want to call this output in a loop of array.
var glob = require('glob');
glob('*.jpg', { cwd: 'public/portfolio/weddings/', sort: true }, function (err, files) {
var globResults = files,
results = [];
globResults.forEach(function(entry) {
results.push('\'' + entry + '\'');
Is this what you were looking for? The log should not be affected because of the callback of forEach because it's a blocking looping structure IIRC. If it does cause trouble you might have to use a regular for loop there.
On second thoughts why can't you just join the files directly? like this
console.log("'"+files.join("', '")+"'");