I'm trying to keep an array of files that a user has selected to upload. Each file is a File object. I would like to add other properties to it, like 'progress' and 'status' so that I can present this data to a user when they begin the upload process.
The problem I'm having is that when I try to 'copy' a File object using Object.assign()
or the JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj))
approach, I'm only ever getting back the properties that I have set myself, not the values inherent to the object.
This is an example of one of my attempts to use Object.assign()
Object.assign({}, state, {
files: [
...state.files.slice(0, payload.index),
Object.assign({}, state.files[payload.index], {
status: 'UPLOADING',
progress: 0
...state.files.slice(payload.index + 1)
Understandably, this causes me all sorts of problems...
What is a good way of keeping track of files and being able to extend their properties in a Redux-suitable manner?
Thanks to all in advance.
Just don't try to store your extra properties on the File
object. Instead store them as siblings on a parent object:
// INIT case
return {
files: [
{ fileObject, status: "INITIAL" }
// UPDATE case
return {
files: [
...state.files.slice(0, payload.index),
{ ...state.files[payload.index], status: "UPLOADING", progress: 0 },
...state.files.slize(payload.index + 1)
In this scheme:
// fileObject is the File
const { fileObject, status, progress } = state.files[2];