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Better MySQL Query

I have a small email newsletter system and when a new email address is added (through mass import) it defaults to "subscribed int(11) DEFAULT '1'`".

I then have the below query which looks for the email address and updates any that are already in the table but are un-subscribed :

UPDATE emailData SET subscribed =  '0'
WHERE subscribed = '1' and emailAddress IN

  SELECT emailAddress FROM
  (SELECT emailAddress FROM emailData  WHERE subscribed = '0' GROUP BY emailAddress) AS tmptable


With around 5000 duplicates it takes around 15 seconds to execute (VM Server) and I wanted to know if there was a better / faster way to do this?


  • You may get performance by below steps-

    1. Need to change query as per below-
        UPDATE emailData AS ed JOIN emailData AS ed1 
        ON ed.emailAddress = ed1.emailAddress 
        SET ed.subscribed =  '0'
        WHERE ed.subscribed = '1' AND ed1.subscribed = '0';
    2. emailAddress field data length should be short as much possible may be varchar(50) or varchar(60) if possible.
    3. make a composit index on emailAddress and subscribed fields.
    Note: If emailAddress field is text or like varchar(250) etc and you can't short it then make partial index like first 50 characters only which will be enough and fast.